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Visitors and users of BIĻEŠU SERVISS SIA Internet shop (hereinafter referred to as I-shop) shall agree to observe the Terms of Use below.
I-shop shall be managed by BIĻEŠU SERVISS SIA (hereinafter referred to as BIĻEŠU SERVISS), registered address: 118 Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street, Riga, LV-1013, e-mail: info@bilesuserviss.lv; tel. +371 66100335.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall sell tickets on request and behalf of organizers, and shall not be entitled to set or change price and terms of sales of tickets, including location of seats, roominess of space and other parameters, exchange or reimbursement for lost, destroyed or damaged tickets.

1.2. Biļešu serviss is entitled to change specialised ticket form if damaged, under a condition that the ticket form can be identified, and the buyer has received in in the points of sale of BIĻEŠU SERVISS.
1.3. Rights and obligations in relation to tickets shall be specified and announced by the organizer of the particular event, and BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not be liable for the content or fulfilment of these rights and obligations. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall act neither as representative of organizer of the event nor as representative of any other person, responsible for the content, quality, information, or advertising of the event.

2. Price and payment

2.1. Prices of tickets and number of tickets for the respective price available in the I-shop may vary up to the moment when client has added tickets to his/her shopping basket.

2.2. Tickets with different prices may be available for one event at the same time.
2.3. Promoter of the event keeps the rigts to develop it’s own ticket selling strategy without warning BIĻEŠU SERVISS SIA, potential visitors of the event and ticket owners.
2.4. Depending on organizer’s strategy, special ticket offers or special prices may be available, and conditions and term of such offers shall be specified in description of each individual event.
2.5. Payment for tickets chosen in the I-shop shall be performed within 15 minutes, during which the client shall perform settlement of the transaction by use of Swedbank, Nordea Bank, SEB Bank, DNB Bank or Citadele Bank Internet banking system or by payment cards (VISA, VISA Electron, MAESTRO, American Express).
When paying using the Internet bank, additional service fee may be applied by the bank providing the service. This depends on the terms and conditions of the agreement the customer has with the particular bank. To find out more regarding these terms, the customer must contact their bank of service.

2.6. Should the client choose the following types of receiving the purchase: „Delivery within the territory of Latvia”, „Delivery within the territory of Estonia, Lithuania” or „Delivery throughout the world ”, settlement by payment cards shall be terminated 10 days prior to date of the event, or 7 days prior to date of the event, if Swedbank, SEB Bank, Luminor Bank or Citadele Bank Internet banking system is used. Should the client choose „I-ticket” as type of receiving, payment by Swedbank, Luminor Bank, SEB Bank or Citadele Bank Internet banking system shall be available.
2.7. If the payment has not been performed within 15 minutes, transaction is cancelled, tickets are put in free trade and the client shall repeat purchase transaction.
2.8. Tickets purchase in internetshop www.bilesuserviss.lv is paid service and fee for ticket delivery will be added to the total sum of purchase.
2.9. E-shop does not provide ticket booking option and the payment for the selected tickets must be made within 15 minutes of adding them to the basket.
2.10. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall be entitled to cancel any purchase, if any doubt occurs in relation to possible fraudulent content of the transaction. Use of third person’s Internet banking, payment card and/or use of payment card data, including purchase of products or services shall be considered illegal. Person, found guilty of such criminal action, may be held accountable under the Criminal Law of the Republic of Latvia.

3. Delivery

3.1. Sending of an e-ticket (in PDF) to the specified e-mail address of the customer (0.00 €). Ticket printed on A4 page in PDF (Portable Document Format). In order to open and print the document you need a free of charge software Adobe Reader, available at the website of Adobe — www.adobe.com.

3.1.1.  If you have chosen I-ticket (PDF format, for printing by the client), after payment is done, when returning to seller, you can print the ticket or save it for printing at a later time. The ticket shall be automatically sent to the e-mail address specified in the I-shop registration data, as well as the ticket shall be found in your BIĻEŠU SERVISS I-shop user account, Section „Purchase History”.
3.1.2 The buyer can collect the e-ticket in the following points of sale: Riga Congress House, Dailes Theatre by presenting personal ID document (passport or ID card);

3.2 Smart ticket — electronic ticket in a mobile device.
3.2.1. Smart ticket is sent to the buyer together with the PDF ticket to the specified e-mail address of the customer. Smart ticket can be saved in Apple smartphones (iPhone, iPad) by using Wallet that is already installed in all iOS devices. For Andorid devices use Pass 2U.
Omniva parcel machine (within Latvia) (Price 3,72+VAT 21% 0,78) (4.50 €)
3.3.1. Your order will be dispatched within 7 working days to your chosen parcel machine. Notification about package arrival will be sent from Omniva by SMS and email.

3.4. Delivery in Latvia (price 7.06+VAT 21% 1.49) € 8.54 If the client has chosen delivery by courier, he/she shall receive the purchased tickets starting from 5th working day after the payment, but no later that on 15th working day after money transfer.
3.4.1. When choosing delivery by courier, accurate address, as well as entrance door code, floor, room number and other similar information about the particular delivery site, as well as contact telephone number shall be specified.On receipt of ticket, the person shall present an identification document (passport or driver’s licence). In some cases client could be asked to show payment card if the payment has been made by card.
3.5. Delivery in Lithuania, Estonia (price 10.74+VAT 21% 2.26) € 13.00 - If the client has chosen delivery by courier, he/she shall receive the purchased tickets starting from 5th working day after the payment, but no later that on 15th working day after money transfer.
3.5.1. When choosing delivery by courier, accurate address, as well as entrance door code, floor, room number and other similar information about the particular delivery site, as well as contact telephone number shall be specified. On receipt of ticket, the person shall present an identification document (passport or driver’s licence). In some cases client could be asked to show payment card if the payment has been made by card.
3.6. Delivery worldwide (price 63.64+VAT 21% 13.36) € 77.00 - If the client has chosen delivery by courier, he/she shall receive the purchased tickets starting from 5th working day after the payment, but no later that on 15th working day after money transfer.
3.6.1. When choosing delivery by courier, accurate address, as well as entrance door code, floor, room number and other similar information about the particular delivery site, as well as contact telephone number shall be specified. On receipt of ticket, the person shall present an identification document (passport or driver’s licence). In some cases client could be asked to show payment card if the payment has been made by card.
3.7. Once you confirm the way of receiving the ticket, delivery type cannot be changed. 
3.8. The specified term is approximate and BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not bear any liability for delay in delivery of tickets, is such occurred due to inaccuracy of data provided by the client or absence of the client at the delivery address.
3.9. If you have not received your tickets by the specified deadline, please contact us by e-mail: info@bilesuserviss.lv on business days from 9AM - 5:30PM

4. Liability of Seller

4.1. One client shall be entitled to purchase maximum 8 tickets for one event at one purchase, unless the event organiser has stipulated otherwise.
4.2. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not verify identity of users, except Username and Password.
4.3. The personal data handled by BIĻEŠU SERVISS under these Terms of Use is limited to the data granted by the visitor or user of the BIĻEŠU SERVISS I-shop online by filling in the data for purchasing tickets or registering as a user of the BIĻEŠU SERVISS I-shop.
4.4 You can find contact information of BIĻEŠU SERVISS in the beginning of these Terms and Conditions of Use, and it is also available at www.bilesuserviss.lv.
4.5. Neither BIĻEŠU SERVISS, nor event organiser checks the identity of ticket buyer or owner, and it does not undertake responsibility for losses caused in this regard.
4.6. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not verify user’s right to purchase tickets with discount. Purchase of such tickets shall not guarantee entrance to the venue site. Entrance right in such case shall be verified at the venue site.
4.7. Any violation of the I-shop Terms of Use shall entitle BIĻEŠU SERVISS to block access to and/or cancel purchase of tickets by any user.
4.8. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not be responsible for articles, comments or other data entered by the I-shop users on web-site.
4.9. BIĻEŠU SERVISS web-site may include references and links to worldwide information on the Internet. Since BIĻEŠU SERVISS has no control over these sites and information they provide, BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not be liable for consistency, relevance and information content of the abovementioned sites.
4.10. Any usage of this website (for ticket sales, advertising, business purposes or any other commercial activity), including reference to BIĻEŠU SERVISS, without prior written consent by BIĻEŠU SERVISS, shall be prohibited.

5. Liability of Purchaser

5.1. User of the I-shop shall agree not to interfere in any way with proper functioning and technical solutions of the I-shop. Any monitoring of use of the I-shop and copying, reproducing, adjusting, using and publishing data for any purpose shall be prohibited. Any action that may cause unreasonably large download on the I-shop or ticket booking system shall be prohibited.

5.2. When using the I-shop, users shall confirm/agree:
5.2.1. That they are at least 18 years old and fully liable persons (for persons of 7-18 years having limited liability, confirmation by fully liable person is required to use the I-shop);
5.2.2. To observe all Terms of Use of the I-shop;
5.2.3. To bear full responsibility for not disclosing his/her Username or Password to any third party;
5.2.4. Not to use any third person’s payment card;
5.2.5. To observe terms of ticket use which are printed on each ticket.
5.3. In case of any violation of these Terms of Use, BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall be entitled to block access and/or cancel purchase of tickets by any user.

6. Cancellation of Order/Repayment of Transaction Sum

6.1. According to Regulation No. 255 by the Cabinet of Ministers of 20 May, 2014 regarding Distance Contracts, Article 22.12: „Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, consumers may not exercise the right of withdrawal, if a seller or service provider after entering into the contract regarding accommodation or transport services, catering or entertainment events undertakes to provide the service on a specific day or within a specific time period”, and the purchased tickets shall not be redeemed, unless provided otherwise by the organizer.
6.2. If the event is cancelled, postponed or place of venue is changed, BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not be liable for exchange or reimbursement of tickets.

6.3. If the event is cancelled or posponed client will receive refund of nominal value of the ticket.
6.4. Exchange and/or reimbursement shall be arranged by organizer of the event or BIĻEŠU SERVISS, if respective agreement with the organizer of the event has been concluded.
6.5. BIĻEŠU SERVISS shall not bear any liability for cancelled events, their organisation, advertising or information in relation to such events, or for any possible loss or reimbursement that may result from cancellation of any event.
6.6. All claims in relation to content, quality and advertising of event shall be submitted to organizer of the event.
6.7. Any disagreements arising from the use of the I-shop shall be solved under legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
6.8. These Terms of Use are available on BIĻEŠU SERVISS home page: www.bilesuserviss.lv, Section “Help”, from where they may be downloaded and saved.

6.9. Moreover, the terms shall be available in user’s personal account after registration at the I-shop.

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